
Automate your SUS clean up

Automate your SUS clean up

Many companies rely on WSUS respective SUS services from Microsoft – aka. Windows Server Update Services as internal source and control of their update deployment to clients and servers within their network.

One of the big challenges for IT is to keep them clean and performant. The Cleanup-Assistant in the SUS management console tends to run forever and in any case means manual labor over and over again.

Below are two scripts – a CMD script that needs to be adjusted with parameters and a powershell script that will be called with those parameters. The scripts acutally will call the same API as the MMC Assistant does, just that this can be automatically performed via a scheduled task in Windows.

It helps you to keep your SUS slim and more performant.

In any way – I highly recommend to not blindly just enable all categories rather then limiting it to the once you have in place as well as once you reached a certain patch-level even actively denying updates you never will need again (keep in mind, new rolled out systems might still need older updates – but you could possibly refresh your base images or rely on Microsoft update services / online updates for those cases).

The combination of making updates obsolete and actually running a cleanup periodically will improve your SUS server performance.

As for the parameters, those are explained in the CMD script header – therefor I will not explain them here again.