# WSUS Connection Parameters:
[String]$WSUSServer = $args[0]
[Boolean]$useSecureConnection = $False
[Int32]$portNumber = $args[12]
[String]$LogFile = $args[1]
[String]$SMTPServer = $args[2]
[String]$MailFrom = $args[3]
[String]$MailTO = $args[4]
[String]$SUSDrive = $args[11]
[String]$WMIDiskSpaceRequest = "\\" + $WSUSServer + "\root\cimv2:Win32_logicalDisk.DeviceID='" + $SUSDrive + ":'"
# Windows PowerShell example to check 'If File Exists'
#$FileExists = Test-Path $LogFile
#If ($FileExists -eq $True) {
#Delete old LogFiles
# Remove-Item $LogFile
# Cleanup Parameters:
# Decline updates that have not been approved for 30 days or more, are not currently needed by any clients, and are superseded by an aproved update.
[Boolean]$supersededUpdates = $True
If ($args[5] = 0) {
$supersededUpdates = $False
# Decline updates that aren't approved and have been expired my Microsoft.
[Boolean]$expiredUpdates = $True
If ($args[6] = 0) {
$expiredUpdates = $False
# Delete updates that are expired and have not been approved for 30 days or more.
[Boolean]$obsoleteUpdates = $True
If ($args[7] = 0) {
$obsoleteUpdates = $False
# Delete older update revisions that have not been approved for 30 days or more.
[Boolean]$compressUpdates = $True
If ($args[8] = 0) {
$compressUpdates = $False
# Delete computers that have not contacted the server in 30 days or more.
[Boolean]$obsoleteComputers = $True
If ($args[9] = 0) {
$obsoleteComputers = $False
# Delete update files that aren't needed by updates or downstream servers.
[Boolean]$unneededContentFiles = $True
If ($args[10] = 0) {
$unneededContentFiles = $False
#Region SCRIPT
# Load .NET assembly
# Connect to WSUS Server
$wsusParent = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($WSUSServer,$useSecureConnection,$portNumber);
# Log the date first
"Microsoft SUS Server CleanUp" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
$date = date
$info = "Start Date / Time: " + $date
$info | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
# Log the SUS Server Name
$info = "Microsoft SUS Server Name: " + $WSUSServer
$info | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
# Log Current Free DiskSpace
$diskbefore = ([wmi]$WMIDiskSpaceRequest)
"Free disk space before cleanup:" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"Drive " + $SUSDrive + ": has {0:#.0} GB free of {1:#.0} GB Total" -f ($diskbefore.FreeSpace/1GB),($diskbefore.Size/1GB) | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
# Perform Cleanup
"Microsoft SUS Server CleanUp Results" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"====================================" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
$CleanupManager = $wsusParent.GetCleanupManager();
"CleanUp: supersededUpdates = " + $supersededUpdates | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"----------------------------------" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
date | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
$CleanupScope_supersededUpdates = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CleanupScope($supersededUpdates,$False,$False,$False,$False,$False);
$CleanupManager.PerformCleanup($CleanupScope_supersededUpdates) | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"CleanUp: expiredUpdates = " + $expiredUpdates | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"---------------------------------------" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
date | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
$CleanupScope_expiredUpdates = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CleanupScope($False,$expiredUpdates,$False,$False,$False,$False);
$CleanupManager.PerformCleanup($CleanupScope_expiredUpdates) | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"CleanUp: obsoleteUpdates = " + $obsoleteUpdates | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"---------------------------------------" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
date | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
$CleanupScope_obsoleteUpdates = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CleanupScope($False,$False,$obsoleteUpdates,$False,$False,$False);
$CleanupManager.PerformCleanup($CleanupScope_obsoleteUpdates) | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"CleanUp: compressUpdates = " + $compressUpdates | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"---------------------------------------" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
date | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
$CleanupScope_compressUpdates = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CleanupScope($False,$False,$False,$compressUpdates,$False,$False);
$CleanupManager.PerformCleanup($CleanupScope_compressUpdates) | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"CleanUp: obsoleteComputers = " + $obsoleteComputers | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"---------------------------------------" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
date | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
$CleanupScope_obsoleteComputers = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CleanupScope($False,$False,$False,$False,$obsoleteComputers,$False);
$CleanupManager.PerformCleanup($CleanupScope_obsoleteComputers) | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"CleanUp: unneededContentFiles = " + $unneededContentFiles | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"---------------------------------------" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
date | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
$CleanupScope_unneededContentFiles = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CleanupScope($False,$False,$False,$False,$False,$unneededContentFiles);
$CleanupManager.PerformCleanup($CleanupScope_unneededContentFiles) | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
# Log Current Free DiskSpace
$diskafter = ([wmi]$WMIDiskSpaceRequest)
"Free disk space after cleanup:" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"Drive " + $SUSDrive + ": has {0:#.0} GB free of {1:#.0} GB Total" -f ($diskafter.FreeSpace/1GB),($diskafter.Size/1GB) | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
"" | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
# Log the date after
$date = date
$info = "End Date / Time: " + $date
$info | out-file -filepath $LogFile -append -noClobber;
#EndRegion SCRIPT
# Source: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/90ca6976-d441-4a10-89b0-30a7103d55db#content
# Mail the report...
$message = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$mailer = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SMTPServer)
$message.From = $MailFrom #"Sender <Sender@Domain.TLD>"
$message.To.Add($MailTo) #("Recipient <Recipient@Domain.TLD>")
$MeinText = "WSUS - Server CleanUp Report " + $WSUSServer
$message.Subject = $MeinText
$message.Body = [string]::join([environment]::NewLine, (get-content $logfile))
#Delete Log => will happen at the next run
#Remove-Item $LogFile