
Password expiration notifications for end users

Password expiration notifications for end users

Today I wanted to share a script with you that allows you to inform your users per email that their password will expire or even is expired and reminds them about your password policies like complex passwords and how to chose a password. This is a simple VBScript and can easily be adjusted. The email will be generated from a file, in this case a HTML file that you provide. You can adjust the content of this HTML file as you need it. There are sure many commercial solutions out there that can do more then this script, but if you want to save the money and are satisfied with the provided options, this sure can be a good alternative.

Let me mention one thing about passwords first – most of us live with the usual policy that passwords should be changed periodically and need to be of a certain length and complexity. We all live with the daily calls of the help-desk about forgotten passwords, not changed passwords (pretty much why I wrote the script) and so on – what changed was a new recommendation in late 2017 or early 2018 that actually is based on statistics and data and now says – yes – complex passwords and certain lengths – but do not enforce periodic changes of those passwords due to this actually resulting in to less secure passwords while users might only change a number or even write those passwords more likely down and therefor compromising the whole attempt to secure the system.

Anyways – the next few lines will explain the parameters you can adjust in the top section of the VBS script – further below I will post the script and an example HTML file so you can start right away.

The options are between the lines 7 and 61 – don’t be scared – most of them are pretty simple to understand and are actually explained in the script itself. You should not need to modify anything outside those two lines.

About the parameter naming convention and possible values:

  • starting with str as strings – those expect text-markers and alphanumeric values “text”
  • starting with int as integer values – those are direct numeric values – e.g. 123
  • starting with bol are boolean values – those can be either TRUE or FALSE – meaning on or off

Here are the options you can set:

  • strSMTPServer: SMTP mail server DNS name or IP address
  • intSMTPServerPort: SMTP mail server port – normally 25
  • strFrom: SMTP mail from address
  • strToAdmin: SMTP mail to address for administrator emails
  • strAdminMailSubject: subject for mail to administrators
  • strUserMailSubjectExpired: subject for mails to user when password is expired
  • strUserMailSubjectWillExpire: subject for mail to user when password will expire – the exact word REPLACEWITHDAYS will be replaced by the days left value so mention it in the subject line if you want to see the value there
  • strBodyURL: URL or full file-path (HTML file path e.g. file://) to import for body, the entire content of this URL/FILE will be imported to the body of the email and should explain ways how to change the password
  • strAttachment: full file-path to an attachment for the email to the users / leave empty if no attachment
  • strLDAPSortColumn: per default: pwdLastSet / sort column for LDAP query
  • intStartWithPWexpiresInDays: If the passwords expires in days N or less, the script will inform the user – keep in mind – if you run the script daily, those users will get an email every day once their password will expire in less then the indicated days. 5 is sure a good start.
  • bolIgnoreDisabledAccounts: Disabled accounts should always be ignored
  • bolInformAdminAboutPWexpires: this will inform the admin about expiring passwords
  • bolInformAdminAboutPWisExpired: this will inform the admin about accounts with expired passwords
  • bolInformAdminAboutPWneverExpires: this will inform the admin about accounts with password set to never expire
  • bolInformAdminAboutUserCantChangePW: this will inform the admin about users who are not allowed to change their password
  • bolInformAdminAboutAccountDisabled: this will inform the admin about disabled accounts found – this would have been done in ADS by an administrator
  • bolInformAdminAboutExpiredUserAccount: this will inform the admin if the user account has an expiration date and the account is expired
  • bolInformAdminAboutAccountWithoutEMail: this will inform the admin about accounts without a set email address
  • bolInformAdminAboutStillGoodPasswords: this will inform the admin about users/passwords that are still valid
  • bolInformAdminAboutIgnoredUsersExcludedByGroup: this will inform the admin about users that have been ignored by the strGroupsExclude filter
  • Please Note: the status account locked will not be checked, this should be corrected automatically by the default security GPO instead (will be in most cases by default)
  • strSearchOUs: Filter Priority 1 – only users in those OU paths will be processed. Use LDAP DN like: “OU=Folder,OU=Folder,DC=Domain,DC=local”, you do not need to include the DC=Domain,DC=local – the script will add this information if necessary. Use | (pipe) if you want to add more then one LDAP DN path. Leave empty (“”) to disable this filter
  • strGroupsExclude : Filter Priority 2 – if the user object is still not excluded, this group exclude filter will be applied. If the user is member of one of those groups (if multiple groups are defined), he will be ignored. Use | (pipe) if you want to add more then one GroupName. Leave empty (“”) to disable this filter. Example: “Group Number1|GroupNumber2”
  • strGroupsInclude: Filter Priority 3 – if the user object is still not excluded, this group Include filter will be applied. The user has to be a member of one of those groups (if multiple groups are defined). Use | (pipe) if you want to add more then one GroupName. Leave empty (“”) to disable this filter. Example: “Group Number1|GroupNumber2”
  • bolDebug: set TRUE for script-output, highly recommended to execute the Script in CMD with CSCRIPT <ScriptName> so you see it in a command window instead of dialog boxes.
  • bolAttachDebugToAdminMail: the debug output will be attached to the admin-mail (independent from bolDebug)
  • bolTestDebugOutputToConsoleOnly: this will disable the mail.send – only output to the CMD will be generated, please enable bolDebug
  • bolRedirectMailToAdmin: this will redirect all mails to the admin, instead of sending them to the user – the subject line will include the user-mail address in this case – this allows you to do a real test and actually see what would be send out to whom – without actually sending the emails to the end user
  • bolAdminMailOnly: this will send the admin-mail only, no user mail will be generated

As always – feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.

Advanced PRTG Slack notifitications

Advanced PRTG Slack notifitications

This PRTG slack notification script was originally posted by myself here:

This is our version of the script originally provided with PRTG by Paessler. – we are using the #colorstatus as well to determine to current issue and we are using actually icons to show the status – this is working pretty well for us. Besides that, reformatted the whole notification a bit so it is easier to read in the prtg slack notification messages.

Simple Slack example

It is easy to adjust and even use additional statuses/color-codes if needed..