Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#you could add - filters, a OU limitation or a server against whom this would be executed.. see Get-ADUser options for more details
#$Server = ""
#$OU = ""
#Get-ADUser -Server $Server -Filter
#Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OU -Filter
#all locked users that aren't disabled or expired
$LockedOutUsers=Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $True -and objectCategory -eq "person" -and objectClass -eq "user"} -Properties sAMAccountName,DisplayName,LockedOut,LockoutTime,Enabled,AccountExpirationDate | where {$_.lockedout -eq $True -and (($_.AccountExpirationDate -gt (Get-Date) -or ($_.AccountExpirationDate -eq $null)))}
#all users that are disabled - this is a manual action in Active Directory
$DisabledUsers=Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $False -and objectCategory -eq "person" -and objectClass -eq "user"} -Properties sAMAccountName,DisplayName,LockedOut,LockoutTime,Enabled,AccountExpirationDate
#all users that are not disabled but expired already
$ExpiredUsers=Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $True -and objectCategory -eq "person" -and objectClass -eq "user"} -Properties sAMAccountName,DisplayName,LockedOut,LockoutTime,Enabled,AccountExpirationDate | where {(($_.AccountExpirationDate -lt (Get-Date) -and ($_.AccountExpirationDate -ne $null)))}
#users with not expiring passwords and are enabled and not expired
$NotExpiringPWD=Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $True -and PasswordNeverExpires -eq $True -and objectCategory -eq "person" -and objectClass -eq "user"} -Properties sAMAccountName,DisplayName,LockedOut,LockoutTime,Enabled,AccountExpirationDate
If ($LockedOutUsers.count -eq $null -and $LockedOutUsers -eq $null){
}Elseif ($LockedOutUsers.count -eq $null -and $LockedOutUsers -ne $null){
If ($DisabledUsers.count -eq $null -and $DisabledUsers -eq $null){
}Elseif ($DisabledUsers.count -eq $null -and $DisabledUsers -ne $null){
If ($ExpiredUsers.count -eq $null -and $ExpiredUsers -eq $null){
}Elseif ($ExpiredUsers.count -eq $null -and $ExpiredUsers -ne $null){
If ($NotExpiringPWD.count -eq $null -and $NotExpiringPWD -eq $null){
}Elseif ($NotExpiringPWD.count -eq $null -and $NotExpiringPWD -ne $null){
$XML += "<prtg>"
$XML += "<result>"
$XML += "<channel>Locked Out Users</channel>"
$XML += "<value>$cntLockedOutUsers</value>"
$XML += "</result>"
$XML += "<result>"
$XML += "<channel>Disabled Users</channel>"
$XML += "<value>$cntDisabledUsers</value>"
$XML += "</result>"
$XML += "<result>"
$XML += "<channel>Expired Users - not disabled</channel>"
$XML += "<value>$cntExpiredUsers</value>"
$XML += "</result>"
$XML += "<result>"
$XML += "<channel>Users with password never expires</channel>"
$XML += "<value>$cntNotExpiringPWD</value>"
$XML += "</result>"
$XML += "</prtg>"
Function WriteXmlToScreen ([xml]$xml)
$StringWriter = New-Object System.IO.StringWriter;
$XmlWriter = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextWriter $StringWriter;
$XmlWriter.Formatting = "indented";
Write-Output $StringWriter.ToString();
WriteXmlToScreen $XML