The IT Assets Database was replaced by the IT Admins CMDB and is EOL / End of Life, no further development will be done on this project.
One of the challenges in IT is to track the ongoing and actually pending projects. There are constantly new tasks coming up that are beyond regular helpdesk tickets, things that are on a to do list and will need to be addressed. Out of this necessity the projects module did arise.
You can create new projects and put them in a queue – prioritize them and track their progress – partly automatically with project tasks. Projects can be assigned to users of the application and will appear on their main menu. They can be prioritized with various values and even purchases can be related to them.
All of this gives you the ability to queue projects as tasks arise and come up, track their progress and see what currently released projects your team is working on.
In the SysConfig you can define if you can import tasks once one or more tasks exist, or if you only can import tasks once.
Further can you auto-create new folders in a specified path where additional project files should reside. This path is defined in the Sys Config.
Data field and reference overview
- Project Number
- this is automatically generate – ITxxxx number
- created date
- released date and closed date (partly auto-filled by the disposition status)
- ticket reference
- project name
- disposition (active, pending release, cancelled, on hold)
- assignee
- priority and priority order
- completed (might be calculated on the project tasks closed)
- current status (good, improving, declining)
- quarter to complete (for planning)
- budget
- hardware / software
- notes
- project folder
- scope – describe the scope of the project to determine the intend and when it should be called completed
- project tasks – sub table
- referencing purchases
- TAGs and Notes